Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

FunBrella brings you Virtual Rain anytime anywhere


Let’s imagine for a second that you love rain THAT much that you goes nuts when the sky is blue... So what will you do if you can no longer enjoy the feeling of the rain falling on your umbrella anymore? Well Just go and chat with to some folks at the Osaka University and they will come with the FunBrella for you…

The FunBrella turns any umbrella in a Virtual Rain maker and like any one carrying an umbrella under the rain or heavy rain you will both feel the water dropping on your umbrella and even ear it anytime anywhere…

And Osaka University went even further, since this umbrella could transmit to another Funbrella what you're going through... Suppose you are in Japan and your girlfriend lives in the US... you would like to share with her the big hail falling on your Umbrella... In this case, she'll just have to open her FunBrella (even the sun is shining), and hear the hail falling on your head...

Ok, well I don’t know what they smoke over there in Osaka, but WOW sound terrific!

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