Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Samsung Falsely Claims Slimmest LED Backlight TV???

Samsung LCD Slim

Let’s tease Samsung (Korea) and their haughty staff a little. A couple of days ago Samsung claimed the slimmest LED backlight TV with the Needle Slim concept, 3.9mm, and today was the first time the Needle Slim TV was introduced to the public… If this were true we saw a 40” LED Backlight TV with a 3.6mm sticker on it. It was absolutely impossible for ANYONE to see the TV on its most advantageous side and check whether or not it was THAT slim…

We spoke to the FDP Korean manager and were told that Samsung had no way today allowing anyone to see their Needle Slim concept's thickness, and Samsung isn't ready to show it to the public…. Yeah… Right, so we have to trust them on this one… Way to go Samsung!

If I follow Samsung’s marketing methods, tomorrow I can claim whatever the hell I want without proof, and not allow anyone to check if my claims are true…

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