Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Nokia Storyplay, book with video for distance education

Nokia Storyplay Sesame Street

Nokia, in collaboration with “Sesame Street” children’s program has developed a Storyplay. This is a hybrid of paper books, videoconferencing and video content from Sesame Street. Nokia Storyplay is created to communicate at a distance, especially between children and grandparents, if they live far from each other and rarely seen. That is, a grandparent will be able to read a book to their child and it is one of the most important ways of interaction between generations, even if it is far away.

Nokia Storyplay is enclosed in a wooden case, it has two displays, one of which is shown by Elmo from “Sesame Street” and the other is users who communicate among themselves, for example, a grandmother and a child. Inside the case is also provided for a paper book, which can be changed. In addition, there are those needed for videoconferencing components such as camera, microphone and speaker. It is not clear when Nokia will release a commercial version of the Nokia Storyplay, although the idea is very interesting.

Sesame Street and Nokia Research Center explore story time for the 21st Century

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